Well, I've been completely hopeless at keeping up with the prompts, and then I was away without internet for three weeks of the holidays so here are a selection of photos from my ipod covering our summer activities, in the spirit of 365 if not the letter!
Gokarting for DS2s birthday
Some general daftness!
Gorgeous sunflowers from a friend!
Camping at New Wine - Shepton Mallet
Holly & Simon's Wedding in Devon
Canoe Sprint Olympic Finals at Eton Dorney
Sunset at Esteiro, Galicia, Spain
Xilloi on one of those blue blue days.
The river behind Esteiro Beach,
Beer ad table at La Bodeguita del Puerto, O Vicedo.
Vibreido Beach one evenin.
Messing about on the dock!
Paralympic Athletics.
A wonderful wedding in the Landmark Hotel, Marylebone.
I have realised that by only taking photos when it's sunny I have made the summer look rather good - we all know the truth - call it journalistic licence!!
Amazing, what a lovely summer you have had! Some of the pictures have a vintage quality about them, the Etion Dorney and spain ones.. I wonder if it was an effect or just the light of the day?