Tuesday, 24 January 2012

#21 - #24

I think I am doomed to always catching up with my photos  - but at least I've taken them!

#21 is fire - and our candlelit dinner date night on Saturday provides the flames!  We so rarely spend quality time together, it was a real treat to sit down with a nice dinner and a glass of wine and talk.

#22 is glowing - and this is a trifle contrived!   I made a new batch of marmalade on Sunday afternoon and was hoping that I could make it 'glow' in the photo, but really the only glow is the smug satisfaction at having made it at all!

#23 is 'hot' and this is our dinner to celebrate the Year of the Dragon - you can't quite see the steam rising from it!

Finally #24 - 'Motion'.  I have to say I was not happy to see what Suzie had posted this morning - it all felt too difficult for a Monday!  But I sneaked out of DD's parent's evening to take this photo - traffic in the rain - one of my least favourite things, driving to Croydon at rush hour in the rain - just to listen to teachers waffling on for ages and waiting in a boiling hot school in between appointments!  Joy!

However, I am deeply pleased with myself for remembering how to use shutter speed and the correct ISO on my manual settings to take this picture!