Monday, 9 January 2012

Drink Cosy Water

Not a title I had ever envisaged as a blog post, but never mind.  I have kept up with the photo taking if not with the blogging!

Saturday brought the opening of the Damson Vodka that some lovely friends gave us for Christmas (along with Sloe Gin and Blackberry Whisky :) )  It is as delicious as it looks and was thoroughly enjoyed, after a rather large meal at the Smith and Western for my god daughter's birthday.

Yesterday was Cosy - a necessary word for a grim, grey January Day, but as we'd gone out for lunch with some friends I wasn't in my usual snuggly jumpers or other attire that would make for a good cosy photo and as we'd been out all day the house was cold and sad (all traces of Christmas having been gleefully erased by my zealous DH over the weekend!).  I was left with my knitting, the socks of Try Something New Every Week fame - and their progress is cheering, I have now reached the heel - so they are the subject of Sunday's photo - and hopefully will be cosying my feet ere too long.

Today being Monday, I needed to be proactive.  I have this appalling habit of running out of steam during the week, so if I don't do lots on Monday and Tuesday, the week disappears and I get behind and frustrated.  So this morning, I painted my bedroom wall (part of an ongoing refresh for our room), started to make marmalade, and caught up with some of the chores that went by the by over Christmas, when cleaning tends to be relegated to the cosmetic.  Of course, now my sins have found me out, and I'm starting to clean in earnest, to be ready for spring cleaning which begins soon in our house!

Hence the water!  Our bathroom floor was covered in a multitude of sins, so I've scrubbed it, washed down the tiles and generally aimed for sparkling.  My trusty turquoise washing up bowl (never actually used for washing up, but great for cleaning) cheers me up on grey dull days, and I feel so much better now that the floor is clean, and 90% of my list for today is done.  Happy Monday everyone!

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