Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Today is bin day in our street, which of course I am grateful for, but our bins live in our front garden and I hate them!  I keep wondering how we might make them less visible, but the only alternative (as we live in a terraced house) is to drag them through the house to the back garden, which I really don't want to do - so dilemma lives on!

In the meantime, I live with frustratingly ugly all the time!


  1. I am lucky in a way that mine are in the passage between me and next door, though they are still visible and I am not so keen on it. Perhaps you know someone (or you) with DIY skills that could box them in??

  2. What about those funky 'wallpaper' type things for bins? Might disguise them a little bit ... :)

  3. Its not Ideal but a necessary evil. If that was my bin it would have been half way down the street with the Wind

  4. Oh poor you. Our council provide seagull proof bags so the bins can live in the back and you just carry the bag through.

  5. It looks like a pretty street even if the bins have given you a great subject for today's prompt!

  6. We're not so bad as ours live round the back too...

    Can't remember what the colour is on my dresser wall sorry...I hate painting now as well...used to love it...I have a whole new room that needs doing and since it is nbewly built will probably need about 3 coats and it's freezing cos the radiators haven't been installed yet...not looking forward to it tbh but I suppose I better since the builder is looking to complete to get paid!!!...

    Kirsti xx

  7. You have them very neat and tidy there. We have to take our bin down to the end of our farm road for it to be collected about 200m!

  8. mine live next to the car - a lovely sight every time I pull into the drive. (sigh)
